March 27, 2019
1912 Community Center (Moscow, Idaho)
Moscow Mayor Bill Lambert and City
Supervisor Gary Riedner discussed the May bond election at the League of
Women Voters of Moscow forum on March 27th in the Great Room of
Moscow’s 1912 Community Center. On Feb. 19, 2019, the Moscow City
Council approved Ordinance 2019-01. This ordinance is required by law
for the city to hold a $9.6 million general obligation bond election.
The election is being held to ask residents to approve or deny the
city’s taking on debt to fund a new police station facility and to
re-purpose the current station and Paul Mann Building.
Lambert was re-elected as mayor in
November 2017. He also served on the Moscow Planning and Zoning
Commission for nearly five years and on the City Council from 2006 to
2009. He also served on the City’s Board of Adjustment. Lambert moved
to Moscow in 1977. Riedner became Moscow city attorney in
1992 and was appointed city supervisor in 1995. He has also served as
executive director of the Moscow Urban Renewal Agency and is a former
president of the Community Transportation Association of Idaho. |