Takin' It to the Streets


On August 25, 2011 a megaload measuring 23 feet wide, 208 feet long, 14 feet high, and weighing 436,000 pounds was transported north on US-95 in northwestern Idaho.  Its mistake . . . going through Moscow, where it was met by 200 demonstrators. culminating with six arrests.




All photos and videos are available for you to freely download and use.
(click photo for a larger image)
MoscowMegaloads_082511_02.JPG (41114 bytes) MoscowMegaloads_082511_03.JPG (75664 bytes) MoscowMegaloads_082511_04.JPG (72428 bytes) MoscowMegaload_082511.jpg (103765 bytes) MoscowMegaloads_082511_Arrest_01.JPG (72031 bytes)


The Peace Band and

Moscow's Megaload Madness March on Main Street