October 10, 2018

Latah County Fairgrounds (Moscow, Idaho)

State Legislature Candidates Forum

Fifth District State Senator
Dan Foreman (R-Viola)
David Nelson (D-Moscow)
Fifth District House, Seat 5A
Bill Goesling (R-Moscow)
Margaret Gannon (D-St. Maries)
Fifth District House, Seat 5B
Laurene Sorensen (D-Moscow)
Caroline Nilsson Troy (R-Genesee)
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Opening Comments
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Do you support Proposition 2 or not?
If you do support it, what kind of legislation will be necessary to implement it?  If no, why not?

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Will you support an increase in minimum wage?  Why or why not?
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What hope would you offer college students who face increased tuition rates and housing costs?

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How do you intend to effectively represent the young voters?
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Closing Comments
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