October 23, 2019

1912 Community Center (Moscow, Idaho)

Candidates for Moscow City Council seats discussed their positions on issues at the League of Women Voters of Moscow candidate forum on Wednesday (Oct. 23) at the 1912 Center Great Room, Moscow.  


Participating council candidates included Kelsey Berends; Sandra Kelly; Maureen Laflin; Brandon Mitchell; James Urquidez; and Anne Zabala.


Candidates provided a brief introductory statement and answered written questions from the audience.  The forum was moderated by Richard Seamon, a University of Idaho College of Law professor.

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Opening Comments, Kelsey Berends
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Opening Comments, Sandra Kelley
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Opening Comments, Maureen Laflin
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Opening Comments, Brandon Mitchell
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Opening Comments, James Urquidez
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Opening Comments, Anne Zabala
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Question 1:  What specific steps would you have a city council take to address the issue of affordable housing?
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Question 2:  Moscow has an ordinance on the books protecting the rights of the LGBTQ community.  Do you support that law?
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Question 3:  Do you believe that the property taxes in Moscow are too high?
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Question 4: Do you consider building a new public high school to be a business-friendly measure?
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Question 5: I have heard some people express some concern in that Moscow might become a theocracy.  I have heard some other people express concern about antiphony toward conservative religions.  Do you share these concerns.  And if you do , what role, if any, should the city council get involved?
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Question 6: Given the downtown parking, city council recently did not approve a parking variance for an educational institution.  How would/did you vote?
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Question 7: What concerns do you have about identifying a sustainable water supply?
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Question 8: What role do you think the city council should play in food and security in Moscow?
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Question 9: In what way would you represent these people that do not want more business than people in Moscow?
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Question 10: Should an unlimited number of churches be allowed to take over downtown buildings?
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Question 11: What would you do on city council to address public transportation?
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Closing Statements